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The Lykos Wolfalike Council of Australia Inc (LWCA) is the governing body and sponsoring organisation for the Lykos / Lykos Wolfalike breed in Australia.  

The LWCA is an incorporated association, operating not-for-profit, for the development and improvement of the Lykos breed in Australia.

2023-2024 Committee:

President:  Paul Oscar (Exec Committee)

Vice President:  vacant

Secretary:  Brooke Taylor (Exec Committee)

Treasurer: Jodie Norman (Exec Committee)

Annie Thompson (Ordinary Committee)

Christy Schultz (Ordinary Committee)


New members: Please be advised that new members will be considered at the next committee meeting. Thank you!

For club forms, please go to the Forms page



Lykos Wolfalike Council of Australia

PO Box 270, Hastings, Victoria, 3915


Club Info

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